"It is impossible to overestimate the influence of parents who understand the hearts of their children." (Elder Robert D. Hales. April 2010)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Setting up my school room

I have been very blessed and very excited to turn my mother-in-law suite into a "SCHOOL" room! I know I will still spend a lot of time at the kitchen table and in the computer room and on the couch, but it is so nice to have all my books in one room, all organized with all my school stuff.
oops sideways picture. Love this organizer! I use labeled, clear shoeboxes to keep all my school stuff from pencils to art supplies to manipulatives.

Our newest addition: Work boxes or as I call them, Super boxes. For a full explanation, follow the link http://heartofwisdom.com/blog/workbox-directory/ I use one set of boxes for Ty and Chaz, and the other for Ben and DJ.

This system is amazing! Really, I can't say enough good things about it. Superboxes are easy, and sooo helpful to keep me organized and prepared and most importantly, to keep me following through!
Close up of a super box with number and velcro:

These shelves came from Ikea. Each child has a square to keep their own binders and grade specific workbooks. I use the file to keep files, workbooks, lapbooks and unit specific stuff.

The older kid's bulletin board on European History and British Literature includes our timeline. We will add to it as the year progresses, but I am so visual, I need this to keep on task as to what I have taught and where I am heading.

I use Letter of the Week to stay on track with the younger kids. Here is a closeup of how I use pages of the Friend to teach while using Letter of the Week.
The younger kids bulletin board. I used ideas from this month's Ensign to put up pictures of Adam, Noah and the Animals, and Angels while teaching Letter A. I will be teaching a unit on animals for science and Adam for scripture study.

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